Social Inclusion Days at ESN Dubrovnik

The Social Inclusion Days took place between the 23rd of November and the 7th of December 2020.
During these two weeks, more than 500 local associations of ESN promoted activities that aim at integrating the international students into the local communities and vice-versa.
With this initiative, international students had opportunities to better understand their host communities and become aware of the issues among them; to work together with the volunteers on boosting the social inclusiveness of these communities;
to spread awareness on social causes and to have a tangible impact, while increasing their sense of solidarity at the same time.
As part of this week when we emphasize the importance of giving, equality, helping, and encouraging students to act locally, we organized a visit to Žarkovica, a dog shelter, and Home for Children “Maslina”. Erasmus students visited the shelter where they had the opportunity to see friendly dogs and feed them and give them some love.
Also, the importance of giving, Erasmus students visited Home for Children “Maslina” and brought them various gifts. With that small gesture, they made someone’s day and showed what it means to be a human.

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